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Участок газопламенного напыления Gas-flame spraying site Установка струйно-абразивной обработки деталей ТЕНА-УСАО

Jet-abrasive processing equipment for ТЕНА-УСАО parts

Камера полуавтоматического напыления КПАН-1300

Semi-automatic spraying chamber (КПАН-1300)

Пистолет для распыления шнуров и проволок ТЕНА-ГШ

Spray pistol for cords and wire (ТЕНА-ГШ)

Пистолет порошковый ТЕНА-П

Powder pistol (ТЕНА-П

Пульт управления газами с подставкой

Gas control panel with a support stand

Установки беспыльной струйно-абразивной обработки УСАО-БП и  УСАО-БП-Мг

Dustless jet-abrasive processing equipment (УСАО-БП and УСАО-БП-Мг)

Field of application: repair services and industrial enterprises of the Republic of Belarus, of neighboring countries and beyond.

Technical and economic indices: flame spraying equipment has the following advantages:

Simplicity and availability at operating process;

High material utilization rate (up to 90%);

It provides a reduction of timetable in production;

Wide range of used materials: polymeric powders, wire, cords.

Type and characteristics of products: for small-sized automobile parts and for frame constructions.

Output mastering of the developed products: Gas-flame spraying equipment is used in Minsk Repair Plant, in Berezovskiy Repair Plant, in Khoynikskiy Repair Plant, Byelorussian Automobile Plant; it is also used in Russia, Israel, Canada and other countries.

Novelty: the patent of the development is protected in RB and in Russia.

Contact number: (+375 17) 292-77-53 Manoylo Е.D.

Официальный сайт Президента Республики Беларусь Совет Министров Республики Беларусь Администрация Советского района г.Минска Национальня академия наук Беларуси